Get something in motion with InNotion

Organise your business, agency, freelance work and projects with our InNotion designed Notion templates.

Agency & Freelancer focused Notion Templates

Take your productivity and systems to the next level with my Notion Templates for Agencies and Freelancers

Small Agency Task Management Template

This Notion template is an easy to use task management system for account team members or project managers to set up tasks for their in house team or freelancers.

Large Agency Task Management Template

This Notion template is an in depth professional task management system for medium to large digital design and development agencies.

Freelance Developer Task Management Template

This Notion template is an easy to use task management system for design and development freelancers.

Small Agency Finance Template

This Notion template a finance planner for projects and clients.

Website Project Management Template

This Notion template is a great starting point for any website development project. It helps to map out each phase of the project. From planning, design, development, testing and launch.

Do you need help setting up your Notion Workspace?

I'm always on hand If you need help getting set up. Please get in touch.

Notion Walkthrough

If you need a general walkthrough of the notion platform. Please get in touch.

Notion Setup

I am happy to set up your notion dashboard.